There is No Charge To Speak with Us
Despite their marketing, the insurance industry is not on your side. Their business model requires them to collect your premiums and to pay pennies on the dollar when you make a claim. There are very important steps that are required following an accident and it is vital to speak with us before making a claim. Whether you are a motorist, cyclist, or pedestrian, there are very specific issues which can have important implications in your claim that require our services. There is no charge to speak with us and when you trust us to take on your case you do not pay us a penny until we get you a settlement or judgement in a court.
Brain Injuries
The science surrounding mild traumatic brain injury…
We are experienced in helping accident victims who have suffered…
Neck Injuries
Neck injuries are one of the most common accident injuries.
Back Injuries
The vast majority of car accident back injuries are referred to as …
Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries are common in car accidents.
Knee Injuries
Knees are by their nature susceptible to injury.
Whiplash & Soft Tissue Injuries
The vast majority of car accident injuries are…
Chronic Pain
Some people injured in an accident experience pain to a degree…